
Hi, I’m Vicki Spellman, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, AFPA.

I’m passionate about nutrition and wellness.

Science tells us that your genes account for about 30% of your health and longevity. The rest is influenced by your environment and lifestyle choices, like diet and exercise. Food truly is our medicine or our poison!

I’m fascinated by this, and want to learn everything I can to help me and my family be as healthy as possible. But there’s so much to know, and new and conflicting information comes out every day. I rigorously review as much of the research as I can, and I’ve learned how to read clinical studies and evaluate their conclusions. I’ve learned to sort through what’s helpful and what’s nonsense.

So I thought why not share what I learn with the world? Hence this blog.

You can count on me to share only facts, not just my opinion or intuition. Everything I publish will be based on scientific evidence and will be fully referenced (that’s the “in Truth” part of my blog’s name).

My approach to healthy eating is based on a whole-food, plant-based diet.

I aim to make the ideas and tips in this blog as easy to adopt as possible. You shouldn’t have to mail-order exotic ingredients or spend hours in the kitchen to make a healthy meal. Everything you need should be available at your local Target. Even if you’re short on time or money, you can live a healthy lifestyle.

All my recommendations keep these principles in mind.

More on me: I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 14 years old. I have three kids in their 20’s — two of whom are also vegetarians—so I understand the challenges of making healthy choices when you have a busy family, and when everyone likes different foods.

I’m also an Executive Vice President at the world’s largest healthcare communications agency, where I have access to cutting-edge information in healthcare and expert medical opinion.

I have a B.S. from Northwestern University.

Thanks for visiting my blog!