Phytonutrients are the 100,000+ chemicals in plants that ward off disease, pests, radiation from the sun, and other hazards. Many phytonutrients are antioxidants, and in people have anti-cancer,...
Whole Food, Plant-Based Living Made Easy
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When Fall rolls around, your local grocery store will likely carry more varieties of pears, and they will be at their peak of deliciousness. But how do you know which one to choose? Here is your...
Book Review: Ingredients—The Strange Chemistry Of What We Put In Us And On Us
This new book is so entertaining, you won't even realize you're learning about chemistry. George Zaidan, science writer and television host, writes with casual humor, and illustrates his book with...
How to Eat Your Home-grown or Store-bought Sprouts: 11 Delicious Ideas
Sprouts are nutrition powerhouses. Young plants have the highest nutrient content of a plant's lifecycle, as they need maximum nutrient resources to grow. Growing sprouts at home is also a recent...
Ready-to-eat breakfast cereal is super convenient. It's ready in a minute and can be a great way to get fiber and nutritious grains into your diet. The problem is finding a healthy cereal. So many...
My mom used to always say "eat the skin, it's the best part." Was she right? Isn't it called a "peel" for a reason? Turns out mom was right—for the most part. For many fruits and vegetables, the...